Monday, June 28, 2010

Foods For Diabetic Patients

The proper diet is essential for diabetic treatment. Many diabetic patients can control their blood glucose by losing weight and that is possible only be proper diet. People with diabetes are twice the risk of developing heart diseases, so they should reduce the intake of saturated fats, and cholesterol like meat and dairy products that are major sources of satuarated fats. Instead, they should make use of unsaturated and mono unsaturated fats like mostly vegetables oils are high in unsaturated fats and olive oil is a good source of mono unsaturated fat. It is the healthiest type of the fat.

It is better to include following foods in to your diet..


It is also known as Bitter Melon or Karela. . It is used as a food as well as medicine. Bitter Melon is chiefly helpful in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis. The seeds, leaves and vines of Bitter Gourd are used extensively.


Apple is the delicious fruit and most of the people enjoy eating apples. It has been found benefic
ial in the treatment of diabetes because of its rich pectin content. It is a natural ingredient found in the inner portion of apple. It helps in detoxification of the body by providing galacturonic acid which is needed for the elimination of various harmful substances from the body. This food also decreases the body’s insulin requirements. Apples are also rich source of potassium. It is also a
fighter against dangerous bacteria and viruses.

It is also known as Agathi flower.

Artichoke contains large amount of insulin, hence it is used for the treatment of diabetes. Artichoke also contains large amount of potassium, calcium, iron and sulphu
r which is required by the body to perform various vital functions.


It’s Indian name of Chana. It possesses an anti diabetic properties. These seeds are rich in fibres. They reduces the rate of glucose absorption and also decreases the gastric emptying, thereby preventing the rise in blood sugar
levels following a meal. Due to its presence in the body, the cells become more sensitive to insulin and an increase in the number of insulin receptor sites occurs and there is a stimulation of the cell’s ability to burn glucose. It also causes less glycosuria (i.e. passage of sugar in urine), thereby lowering fasting blood sugar levels and also lowers insulin requirements.


Diabetics should eat proteins in moderation and prefer fish or soy protein, poultry on meat. High fat meat should be strictly avoided.


The popularity of yogurts has been continuously grown. There is also a growing demand for
puddings, desserts and other artificial dairy products. It incorporate a bacteria into the digestive system that stimulate the pancreas. It cleanses the pancrease form its waste products and acids and therefore helps in the production of more insulin and provides favour for the diabetics patients. Yogurt is an ancient wonder food. It is also strongly antibacterial and anti cancer. A cup or two of yogurt a day boosts immune functioning by stimulating production of gamma interferon. It also increases the activity of natural killer cells that attacks viruses and tomours. A daily cup of yogurt reduces colds and other upper respiratory infection in human. Yogurt also fight bone problems such as osteoporosis because of their high calcium content.


It is known to cure virtually everything. It is an exceptionally strong antioxidant. It words off diabetes, hay fever, blood clot, fights asthma, chronic bronchitis etc. Onion extract is found to
reduce blood sugar levels during oral and inter venous glucose tolerance.


Oats help stabilize blood sugar, have estrogenic and antioxidant activity. High doses can cause gas, abdominal bloating and pain and some.


It is a super source of chromium that helps regulate insulin and blood sugar. Therefore, it is considered to be an effective anti-diabetic food. It reduces needs of diabetics. In case of milk diabetes, chromium may prevent the onset of complete disease. Along with diabetes, it is a complete package of versatile disease fighters. It has antiviral, anti-ulcer activity. It is most protective when eaten raw or lightly cooked. It is extremely high in cancer fighting activity. Like other vegetables, it also speeds up removal of estrogen from the body, thus helping to suppress the breast cancer. It is also rich in cholesterol reducing fibres.


It is excellent food for diabetics. They are very highly in fibres. It is also a potent medicine in lowering cholesterol. One half cup of cooked beans daily reduces cholesterol an average 10 percent. They regulates the blood sugar levels in human body very well.


Garlic have significant blood sugar lowering action. The active ingredients in it are believed to be allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyldisul-phide oxide (allicin). There may be some other constituents such as flavonoids, which also plays an important role. These ingredients lowers the blood glucose levels by completing with insulin for insulin-inactivating sites in the liver. This results in an increase of free insulin. The additional benefit of the use of the garlic is its beneficial cardiovascular effects. They are found to lower lipid levels, inhibit platelet aggregation and are hypertensive. So, the liberal use of garlic is recommended for diabetic patients.


Soyabeans in any form like whole beans or sprouts, soya flour, Soya milk, have been proved to control the blood sugar levels in diabetics. It is also best in preventing neurological complications like, numbness of feet and shivering of hands that is very common among many diabetics.

Soyabean bread is known to form a very good food for diabetes. It contains very little amount of starch but contains high amount of fat and proteins, both are of excellent quality. Hence, along with its richness in proteins, it also exerts a valuable effect in lowering urinary excretion of sugar in people suffering from diabetes.


They shows a great influence in controlling the blood sugar level in diabetics. It has been advised that diabetic patients should eat handful of groundnuts per day. Along, with its use in diabetics, it is also used to prevent malnutrition. It reduces the deficiency of Vitamin B or niacin. It also prevents the development of any vascular complications.


It is an excellent fruit for diabetics. It not only controls the blood sugar level diabetics but also prevents diabetes in person who are at greater risk/or have tendency to develop diabetes. Grapefruit is included in Citrus fruits category because it has very good flavourer it has very good flavour, produces appetite in patients and refreshers the patient.

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